Research Article

Missing Technology in Modern Pedagogy: Use of Technology in Modern Teaching, Learning, and Evaluation of Mathematics Curriculum

Vijay R Tiwari 1 *
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1 Jai Hind College, INDIA* Corresponding Author
International Journal of Pedagogical Development and Lifelong Learning, 1(1), January 2020, ep2005,
Published: 15 June 2020
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In Last few decades, technological advancement has played a vital role in development of modern education system. Access of information has become simpler due to availability of internet and different operating system. Innovative techniques like virtual classrooms and laboratories are vital tool today. Mathematical software’s and Mobile learning applications have not only helped in visualizing abstract concepts but also created a considerable interest in learners. Some e-platforms like Google classroom, modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment (MOODLE), Canvas classrooms, etc., have proven to be effective in connecting with students outside the classroom and evaluating them in different ways. To understand the popularity, availability, and utility of these resources among the students and teachers, author conducted an online survey and found some important relations using statistical techniques. The survey interview was conducted with 50 students of under graduation level and 10 students of post-graduation level. Students were surveyed form 10 different institutions. Eighteen Mathematics Faculties with experience ranging from three to thirty years were interviewed. The details and interpretations of survey statistics is discussed in this paper. The author presented part of this paper under the title `From chalk and talk to modern mock’ at the first inaugural conference of mathematics teachers association(MTA-I), held at Tata Institute of fundamental research-Homi Bhabha centre for science education (TIFR-HBCSE), Mumbai, India between 3-5 January, 2019. Some innovations required to make mathematics simpler for students of all caliber is discussed in this paper.


Tiwari, V. R. (2020). Missing Technology in Modern Pedagogy: Use of Technology in Modern Teaching, Learning, and Evaluation of Mathematics Curriculum. International Journal of Pedagogical Development and Lifelong Learning, 1(1), ep2005.


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