Research Article
The Influence of Stress on Professional Satisfaction of Multigrade Teachers: Evidence from the Philippines
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1 Teacher I, Department of Education, General Santos City, SOCCSKSARGEN, PHILIPPINES* Corresponding Author
International Journal of Pedagogical Development and Lifelong Learning, 2(1), January 2021, ep2104,
Submitted: 13 November 2020, Published: 25 February 2021
OPEN ACCESS 2094 Views 2826 Downloads
While numerous studies have come to probe on the stress of monograde teachers, there is an unheard side of another considerable small group of teachers whose stress is distinct in the pursuit of educational success. Multigrade teachers are burdened with numerous teaching workloads and dilemmas causing them stress. This study endeavored to determine the influence of stress on professional satisfaction of multigrade teachers. It employed correlation research design involving thirty (30) purposively selected multigrade teachers in the Schools Division of General Santos City (GSC), Southern Philippines. Employing the survey method, tailored questionnaires were utilized to gather the needed data. The statistical tools employed in the analysis were weighted mean and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. Moderate level of stress and high level of professional satisfaction are gained among the multigrade teachers surveyed. It was further found out that there is no significant relationship between stress and professional satisfaction, providing evidence that stress may not be a significant factor that affects satisfaction. This result offers unique implications in theory, practice, and research which are discussed in the study.
Rotas, E. E. (2021). The Influence of Stress on Professional Satisfaction of Multigrade Teachers: Evidence from the Philippines. International Journal of Pedagogical Development and Lifelong Learning, 2(1), ep2104.
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