Research Article

Enhancing preschool teachers’ self-efficacy and ability to notice mathematics through a professional development program

Joakim Samuelsson 1 *
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1 Linköping University, Linköping, SWEDEN* Corresponding Author
International Journal of Professional Development, Learners and Learning, 7(1), January 2025, e2502,
Submitted: 29 June 2024, Published Online: 05 December 2024, Published: 01 January 2025
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Numerous studies have underscored the significance of teachers’ professional development (PD). In this investigation, we explore the effects of a PD program on preschool teachers’ self-efficacy and their ability to notice mathematics in preschool activities. The PD program was based on the fundamental components of effective professional growth. The study enlisted eighty-seven preschool teachers from twenty-one different preschools, with forty-four teachers participating in the PD sessions and forty-three serving as the control group. Overall, our PD program demonstrated a notable influence on preschool teachers’ ability to notice the use of intellectual artefacts delineating mathematics activities. Testimonials from participating teachers indicated a heightened understanding of mathematics in preschool settings, resulting in increased self-efficacy and heightened attention to mathematical concepts in everyday activities.


Samuelsson, J. (2025). Enhancing preschool teachers’ self-efficacy and ability to notice mathematics through a professional development program. International Journal of Professional Development, Learners and Learning, 7(1), e2502.


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